Saturday, January 22, 2011

Task: Kitchen Initiative.

I re-organized the kitchen.  I de-cluttered, cleaned and re-organized the kitchen.  It feels really good to have one room in the house that is organized and nice.  I've  been keeping it really clean since then too.  I clean it everyday, and every time there is a mess.  I like having a clean room.

Now, I need to continue through the house and keep at it one room/task at a time.

I  have a box sitting at the top of the steps that has things in it, that need a home.  Most of it is children things.  But there are a few mommy things in it.  My next room will most likely be the homeschool room.  Although that will take a few weeks.  I'm going to do that room in chunks.   Probably the entrance first.  Then the wall organizer.  Then the closet.  Then the toys and games.  Then the desks and homeschool stuff.  Then the crafts, if it doesn't fit into the homeschool stuff.

This is my plan.  I hope to accomplish this room by the end of February.

Meanwhile I will continue to clean and keep the rooms I've already de-cluttered, nice.  I also want to get a better handle on the laundry, but that may be a task for later in the year.

I've been trying to do more meal planning, and keep that consistant as part of my kitchen initiative.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Those Photos I was talking about...

This is how my daughter decided to set the dinner table a few nights ago.

Jason working right before dinner.

The dishes that still need to be done.

My home management Binder (along with recipes for meal planning)

Making Snickerdoodle Chex Mix for a snack/dessert.

Enjoying the snack!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Weekly Update

I think to keep this manageable for me, I'm going to post weekly (maybe more if I'm so inclined).  I want to get in the habit of posting weekly so that I really do journal my way around this word for the year.

Some of the things I've been doing this week involve Meal Planning, organizing and general pick up of the main living area.  I've been trying to keep on top of the dishes, and countertops in the kitchen.  I've also decided that I'm going to clean all the sinks in the house every other day.  This helps cut down on what needs to be cleaned weekly.  (Especially the kids sink with all the toothpaste)

I've been telling the kids, that they need to pick up and find a home for at least 5 things 1 to 2 times a day.  I'll do this as long as it takes to get the clutter organized.

The room I want to declutter next is the kitchen.  I'm starting there because it's a main room, and also because I think it will be the easiest room to start with.  I still  need to get the Christmas decorations away.  But that will happen, I'm not concerned.

I feel that I bit off more than I can chew with this word.  Although I do have to remind myself that I have all year.  I need to start with the basics.  Meal Planning, Calendar upkeep, DeClutter and Cleaning processes.  After the basics, we can start on detailed cleaning and organization, maybe even furniture and design.  This all depends on how long it takes me to get the basics down.  One room at a time, one process at a time, small steps will result in big accomplishments.  If I try to do too much all at once I'm just setting myself up to fail.  I need to focus on a smaller picture to find success (no matter how small it will still be success).

I took some photos this past week.  Although they are on my other computer, so.... for the time being, it's only a text update.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Organization Link

Martha, is a great resource for Home keeping.  Not all of the ideas here are good for me and my home, but that's why I'm here, with this word for the year.  What is good for me?  What will work?  What will be a disaster?  What do I think will work but really won't?  and vice versa?   Time will tell.  

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Things to Do...

I started cleaning the house today.  Living Room mostly.  The christmas decorations are still out.  The tree is still in the living room, but the decorations and lights are all off of it.   The floor is vacuumed, and the lego's are "semi" organized.  I need more boxes to organize the sets with. 

The kitchen is clean, well, sorta, I do need to do more dishes.  (waiting for the dishwasher).  The dining room is a mess, with all the stuff that needs a home.  And the trash is piling up.    Room by Room.  I need to clean, room by room.  I need to come up with a plan for cleaning and organizing.   I want to get a good system in place, for a good routine that will work for the whole family.  

Monday, January 3, 2011


So... I may not post this regularly, but I'm starting out on a roll. I have lots of ideas and want to make sure I write them down.

Idea lists...

Make lists of things needed
Make lists of things wanted
Make lists of things that will make life easier
Make lists of good cleaning methods
Make lists of good hostess ideas.
Make lists of good organization methods
Make lists of why Home is important
Make lists of why Home is sometimes a place you run from instead of run to.
Make lists of why Home is important to family members.
Make lists of what makes a good home.

Make lists.

Write it out. Think it through. Make goals. Sort out plans. Act.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Where do I start?

Jumping in feet first is usually where I start. But, I have a whole year. So, I'm going to start by cleaning my home. Room by Room. Put away the holiday decorations. Bring out the non-holiday decorations. Vacuum, dust, disenfect, put away toys, general picking up of things, taking out the trash, wiping the counters, doing the dishes, etc... etc... These are things that are done every week, every day. I do them in my home too. But I need a good place to start. Cleaning is a normal routine. Clean is good in a home.

As I take care of the normal routine items (cleaning), I am going to be doing some background work on homes. Researching design. Researching Organization. Researching Best Practices in Cleaning. Researching ideas for Hostessing. Researching ideas for home traditions. I'll be scouring the net for good blogs and articles on Home. When I find good recommendations, I'll post them. When I have epiphany's I'll post them. When I have questions I'll post them. I'll try to document my home in photos as I go along too. I want to document this growth process as much as possible this year.

My husband is on board with this, and I'm excited to have a partner that will understand my focus this year. (His word is Rise) Good suggestions are welcome for good reads on Home. (books, blogs, magazines, videos, etc...) So... I start my journey. I clean.